
1970    La culture africaine ou les cultures africaines? Revue Congolaise des Sciences Humaines 1:63-68.
1971    Zaïres universitaire reuzenzwaai. Kroniek van Afrika 1971(4):268-272.
1974    De gevaarlijke reis, Jongensinitiatie bij de Wagenia Kisangani (Zaïre). Diss. VU, uitgave in eigen beheer, 296 pp.
1975a    Les missions protestantes et la polygamie au Sud du Sahara. Flambeau 45:13-23.
1975b    Jongensinitiatie bij de Wagenia van Kisangani (Zaïre). Intermediair 1975(26):11-17,37.
1975c    Kenmerken van verschijnselen in de marge. Intermediair 1975 (31):29-37,41.
1975d    Les Wagenia de Kisangani entre le fleuve et la ville. In: B. Verhaegen (ed.), Kisangani 1875-1975. Kinshasa: Presses Universitaires du Zaïre, pp. 151-177.
1975e    (avec J. Bokdam) Contribution à l’étude de l’ethnob¬tanique des Wage¬nia de Kisang¬ani, Zaïre. Wageningen: Mededelingen Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen, no. 75-19, 74 pp.
1977a    The Africanization of Christianity, An Anthropologist’s View. Missiology 5 (4):443-456.
1977b    Éducation et initiation, l’exemple des Wagenia de Kisangani (Zaïre). Études Zaïroises 1(2):143-153.
1980a    An African Translation of the Christian Message, Changes in the concepts of spirit, heart and God among the Wagenia of Kisangani, Zaire. In: R. Schefold, J.W. Schoorl and J. Tennekes (eds.) Man, Meaning and History; Essays in Honour of H.G. Schulte Nordholt. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, no. 98, pp. 300-331.
1980b    Kimbanguism at the Grass Roots: Beliefs in a local Kimbanguist Church. Journal of Religion in Africa 11 (3):188-211.
1980c    The Dangerous Journey, Symbolic Aspects of Boys’ Initiation among the Wagenia of Kisangani, Zaire. The Hague: Mouton/De Gruyter. 416 pp. (vertaling van Droogers 1974)
1980d    Symbols of Marginality in the Biographies of Religious and Secular Innovators. A comparative study of the lives of Jesus, Waldes, Booth, Kimbangu, Buddha, Mohammed and Marx. Numen 27(1)¬:105-121.
1981a    Gekerstende Afrikanen; geloofsvoorstellingen bij de Wagenia – Zaïre. Wereld en Zending 10 (1):20-33.
1981b    Erosion and Sedimentation: The changing religion of the Wagenia of Kisangani, Zaire. In: D.C. Mulder (ed.) Secularization in Global Perspective. Amsterdam: VU Boekhandel/Uitgeverij, pp. 113-162.
1981c    Sincretismo. Estudos Teológicos 21 (3):139-150.
1983a    Espiritualidade: O problema da definiço. Estudos Teológicos 23 (2):111-128.
1983b    (with authors’ collective) Umbanda, desafio para a Igreja. Revista do CEM 6 (1):21-35.
1983c    Religiosidade Popular: O caso da benzedura. Revista do CEM 6 (1):39-43.
1984a    Ciências da Religião. São Leopoldo: Faculdade de Teologia. 195 pp.
1984b    Condições sociológicas de uma estratégia pastoral. Estudos Teológicos 24 (2):161-171.
1984c    Religiosidade Popular Luterana, Relatório de uma pesquisa no Espírito Santo, julho de 1982. São Leopoldo: Editora Sinodal. 91 pp.
1985a    Opções básicas na avaliação teológica de religiões, ideologias e cultu¬ras. Estudos Teológicos 25 (3):271-280.
1985b    E a umbanda? São Leopoldo: Editora Sinodal. 87 pp.
1985c    From waste-making to recycling: A plea for an eclectic use of models in the study of religious change. In: W. van Binsbergen and M. Schoffeleers (eds.), Theoretical explorations in African religion. London etc.: KPI, pp. 101-137.
1985d    De minimale religiositeit van de meerderheid – Een brief uit Brazilië. In: Religies in nieuw perspectief, Studies over interreligieuze dialoog en religiositeit op het grondvlak, Aange¬boden aan Prof. dr. D.C. Mulder. Kampen: Kok, pp. 88-108.
1986a    Wie terugkoppelt moet de boemerang verwachten. Over kerk, macht en afhankelijk¬heid. Wereld en Zending 15 (2):168-175.
1986b    Ritual e marginalidade na doença e morte de Tancredo Neves. Comunicações do ISER 5 (18):28-33.
1987a    (contributions to) Guia para o diálogo inter-religioso: Relações com as Grandes Religiões, Movimentos Religiosos Contemporâneos e Filosofia de Vida. São Paulo: Edições Paulinas (Estudos da CNBB, no. 52), pp. 9-13, 23-25, 147-163, 233-242, 268-274.
1987b    Religiosidade mínima brasileira. Religião e Sociedade 14 (2):62-86.
1987c    (met Bart Droogers) Mario Quintana, een Braziliaanse dichter. Kruis¬punt 26 (105):80-96.
1988a    Na de afschaffing van de slavernij. De Bazuin 71 (9):6,7.
1988b    Brazilian Minimal Religiosity. In: Geert Banck and Kees Koonings (eds.), Social Change in Contemporary Brazil. Amsterdam: CEDLA/Foris, pp. 165-175.
1988c    (with Joop van Kessel) Secular Views and Sacred Vision: Sociology of Develop¬ment and the Significance of Religion in Latin America. In: Philip Quarles van Ufford and Matthew Schoffeleers (eds.) Religion and Development: Towards an integrated approach. Amsterdam: Free University Press, pp. 53-71.
1988d    Scheppend vertalen. (Recensie van August Willemsen, De taal als  bril; Fernando Pessoa, Gedichten, vertaling August Willemsen). Kruispunt 28 (116):32-34.
1988e    God in de krant: Minimale religiositeit in Brazilië. Alerta 14 (150¬):20-24.
1989a    (met Joop van Kessel) De Kerk en de Indianen en Chili en Brazilië, Over negatieve resultaten en positieve voornemens. In: J. Tennekes en H.M. Vroom (redactie), Contextualiteit en christelijk geloof.  Kampen: Kok, pp. 151-165.
1989b    Ontgroening: terugkerend ritueel. Pré, Eerstejaars Studentenmagazine, augustus 1989, p. 29.
1989c    Brazilië als patiënt: politieke genezing en New Age in een spiritistische groep. Focaal, no.  11/12. pp. 132-154.
1989d    Syncretism, the problem of definition, the definition of the problem. In: Jerald Gort et al. (eds.), Dialogue and Syncretism: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Amsterdam/Grand Rapids: Rodopi/Eerdmans, 1989, pp. 7-24.
1989e    Godsdienst en mensenmacht in Latijns Amerika, Een inleiding op de artikelen. Focaal no. 11/12, pp. 7-13 (geschreven op grond van discussiebijdragen van de auteurs van de bundel).
1989f    Achtergronden van het Sint Nicolaas-feest, Spel met vele lagen en een wereld van betekenissen. Godsdienst en Opvoeding, 1989, no. 9, pp. 24,25.
1990a    Solidariteit, macht en Afro-Braziliaanse godsdiensten. In: Lotgenoten – bondgenoten: Solidariteit in Brazilië. Nijmegen/’s-Hertogenbosch: Katholiek Studiecentrum/Stichting Gezamenlijke Missiepubliciteit, pp. 87-110.
1990b    Macht in zin: Een drieluik van Braziliaanse religieuze verbeelding. Amsterdam: VU Boekhandel / Uitgeverij. Oratie, 56 pp.
1990c    Normativity and Contextuality in an Anthropologist’s Study of Syncretism. In: S. Griffioen and J.P. Verhoogt (eds.), Norm and Context in the Social Sciences. Lanham, Mass.: University Press of America, pp. 107-120.
1990d    From Antagonism to Partnership: Social Scientists and Missionary Workers in a Latin American Perspective. In: Roland Bonsen et al. (eds.), The Ambiguity of Rapprochement: Reflections of anthropologists on their controversial relationship with missionaries. Nijmegen: Focaal, pp. 14-31.
1990e    O tempo, o poder e a religião: Algumas observações sobre a relação entre a história eclesiástica e a antropologia da religião. Estudos Teológicos, vol.30, no.2, pp. 158-164.
1990f    The Playful Seriousness of Brazilian Religiosity: Mario Quintana on Religion. In: P. Kloos (ed.). Fiction as Truth, Artistic and Scientific Representations of Reality. Amsterdam, VU University Press, pp. 67-86.
1990g    (met Bart Droogers) Het verdriet van het schrijven: Moderne Braziliaanse poëzie. Diest: ’t Prieeltje. (translation poetry by Mario Quintana)
1991a    (met Barbara Boudewijnse en Frans Kamsteeg, eds.) Algo ma que opio, Una lectura antropológica del pentecostalismo latinoamericano y caribeño. San José, Costa Rica: DEI.
1991b    (met Gerrit Huizer and Hans Siebers, eds.), Popular Power in Latin American Religions. Saarbrücken and Fort Lauderdale: Breitenbach
1991c    Visiones paradójicas sobre una religión paradójica: Modelos explicati¬vos del creci¬miento del pentecostalismo en Brasil y Chile. In: Barbara Boudewijnse, André Droogers y Frans Kamsteeg (eds.), Algo mas que opio, Una lectura antropológica del pentecostalismo latinoamericano y caribeño. San José, Costa Rica: DEI, pp. 17-42.
1991d    Bibliografia provisional sobre Pentecostalismo y Movimientos carismáticos en Latinoamerica y el Caribe. In: Barbara Boudewijnse, André Droogers y Frans Kamsteeg (eds.), Algo mas que opio, Una lectura antropológica del pentecostalismo latinoamericano y caribeño. San José, Costa Rica: DEI, pp. 137-176.
1991e    (with Hans Siebers) Popular Religion and Power in Latin America: An Introduction. In: André Droogers, Gerrit Huizer and Hans Siebers (eds.), Popular Power in Latin American
1991f    Brazil as a Patient: Political Healing and ‘New Age’ in a Spiritist Group. In: André Droogers, Gerrit Huizer and Hans Siebers (eds.), Popular Power in Latin American Religions. Saarbrücken and Fort Lauderdale: Breitenbach, pp. 237-259.
1991g    Volksreligie, macht, zingeving. Wereld en Zending, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 39-48.
1991h    Godsbeelden en mensbeelden tussen afspiegeling en omkering: God, goden, geesten en mensen in Braziliaanse religies. In A.J. Fry et al., Zeg mij hoe uw God is: Gods¬beelden en mensbeelden. Kampen: Kok, pp. 54-67.
1992a    Pentecostalisme: Een lopend vuurtje. Wereld en Zending, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 3-11.
1992b    Meaning, Power and the Sharing of Religious Experience: An Anthropology of Religion Point of View. In: Jerald D. Gort et al. (eds.), On Sharing Religious Experience: Possibilities of Interfaith Mutuality. Amsterdam/Grand Rapids: Rodopi/Eerdmans, pp. 45-54.
1992c    De kerk viert feest… Een leerzame zondag in een Braziliaans stadje. In: P. Kloos (red.), Antropologie, een juweel van een vak. Assen/Maastricht: Van Gorcum, pp. 25-32.
1992d    O Brasil É Paciente: Cura Política num Grupo Espírita. Religião e Sociedade, vol. 16, no. 1-2, pp. 146-159.
1992e    Visões paradoxais de uma religião paradoxal: modelos explicativos do crescimento do pentecostalismo no Brasil e no Chile. Estudos de Religião, vol. 8, pp. 61-83.
1993a    (with Susanna Rostas) (eds.), The Popular Use of Popular Religion in Latin America. Amsterdam: CEDLA.
1993b    (with Susanna Rostas) The Popular Use of Popular Religion in Latin America: Introduction. In: Susanna Rostas and André Droogers (eds.), The Popular Use of Popular Religion in Latin America. Amsterdam: CEDLA, pp. 1-16.
1993c    Power and Meaning in three Brazilian Popular Religions. In: Susanna Rostas and André Droogers (eds.), The Popular Use of Popular Religion in Latin America. Amsterdam: CEDLA, pp. 17-27.
1993d    De macht van de dirigent. In: Dechorum, Tijdschrift van de SNK, december 1993, pp. 7-9.
1994a    The Normalization of Religious Experience: Healing, Prophecy, Dreams, and Visions. In: Karla Poewe (ed.), Charismatic Christianity as a Global Culture. Colombia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press, pp. 33-49.
1994b    Turner, spel en de verklaring van religie. Antropologische Verkenningen, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 31-45.
1994c    Review of: David Hess, Spirits and Scientists: Ideology, Spiritism and Brazilian Culture. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991. In: Luso-Brazilian Review, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 125-126.
1995a    Spelregels voor het Religieuze Verkeer. In: Reender Kranenborg en Wessel Stoker (eds.), Religies en (on)gelijkheid in een plurale samenleving. Apeldooorn, Leuven: Garant, pp. 131-146.
1995b    Identity, Religious Pluralism and Ritual in Brazil: Umbanda and Pentecostalism. In: Jan Platvoet and Karel van der Toorn (eds.) Pluralism and Identity: Studies in Ritual Behaviour. Leiden, New York, Köln: E.J. Brill, pp. 91-113.
1995c    Syncretism, Power, Play. In: Göran Aijmer (ed.), Syncretism and the Commerce of Symbols. Gothenburg: Institute of Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology, pp. 36-57.
1995d    Cultural Relativism and Universal Human Rights? In: Abdullahi A. An-Na’im et al. (eds.), Human Rights and Religious Values: An Uneasy Relationship?  Amsterdam, Grand Rapids: Rodopi, Eerdmans, pp. 78-90.
1995e    Entrevista com André Droogers. Horizontes Antropológicos, ano 1, número 3, pp. 115-121.
1996a    (red.), Boodschap uit het Mysterie, Reacties op de visie van J. van Baal. Baarn; Ten Have. Ter Inleiding (pp. 7-9), Ter Uitleiding (pp. 128-131).
1996b    Dilemmas in the Study of Popular Culture. In: Ton Salman (ed.), The Legacy of the Disinherited, Popular Culture in Latin America: Modernity, Globalization, Hybridity and Authenticity. Amsterdam: CEDLA, Latin America Studies 76, pp. 35-53.
1996c    Methodological Ludism, Beyond Religionism and Reductionism. In: Anton van Harskamp (ed.), Conflicts in Social Science. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 44-67.
1997a    (met R. Van Essen, J. Gort en H. Visser, red.), De stereotypering voorbij: Evangeli¬schen en oecumenischen over religieus pluralisme. Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum.
1997b    Evangelischen en oecumenischen over religieus pluralisme: Een cultureel-antropolo¬gische kijk op een discussie. In: A. Droogers et al. (red.), De stereotypering voorbij: Evangelischen en oecumenischen over religieus pluralisme. Zoetermeer: Boekencen¬trum, pp. 54-73.
1997c    Stof zijt gij en tot stof zult gij wederkeren…? (Naar aanleiding van W.B. Drees (red.), De mens: meer dan materie? Religie en reductionisme. Kampen: Kok, 1997). In de marge, jg. 6, no. 3, pp. 33-36.
1997d    ‘In den beginne was er poëzie’. Facta, jg. 5, no. 2, maart 1997, pp. 16-17.
1998a    (with B.Boudewijnse and F.H. Kamsteeg, eds.), More than Opium: An Anthropological Approach to Latin American and Caribbean Pentecostal Praxis. Lanham: Scarecrow.
1998b    Paradoxical Views on a Paradoxical Religion. In: B.Boudewijnse, A.F.Droogers and F.H.Kamsteeg (eds.), More than Opium: An Anthropological Approach to Latin American and Caribbean Pentecostal Praxis. Lanham: Scarecrow, pp. 1-34.
1998c    Bibliography on Pentecostalism in Latin America and the Caribbean. In: B.Boudewijnse, A.F.Droogers and F.H.Kamsteeg (eds.), More than Opium: An Anthropological Approach to Latin American and Caribbean Pentecostal Praxis. Lanham: Scarecrow, pp.73-96.
1998d    Review of: D. Lehmann, Struggle for the Spirit. Oxford: Polity Press. In: Journal of Contemporary Relgion, vol. 13, pp. 509-510.
1999    The Third Bank of the River: Play, Methodological Ludism and the Definition of Religion. In: J.G.Platvoet and A.L. Molendijk (eds.), The Pragmatics of Defining Religion: Contexts, Concepts and Contents. Leiden: Brill, pp. 285-313.
2000    (with Bob Goudzwaard) The Global and the Local: Community-Based Culture and Economic Justice. In: L. Zuidervaart and H. Luttikhuizen (eds.), The Arts, Community and Cultural Democracy. London: MacMillan, pp. 40-66.
2001a    (with Sidney M. Greenfield, eds.) Reinventing Religions, Syncretism and Transformation in Africa and the Americas. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield.
2001b    Introduction: A Symposium. In: Sidney M. Greenfield and André Droogers (eds.), Reinventing Religions, Syncretism and Transformation in Africa and the Americas. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 9-19.
2001c    (with Sidney M. Greenfield) Recovering and Reconstructing Syncretism. In: Sidney M. Greenfield and André Droogers (eds.), Reinventing Religions, Syncretism and Transformation in Africa and the Americas Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 21-42.
2001d    Joana’s Story: Syncretism at the Actor’s Level. In: Sidney M. Greenfield and André Droogers (eds.), Reinventing Religions, Syncretism and Transformation in Africa and the Americas. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield, pp.145-161.
2001 e    Globalization and Pentecostal Success. In: André Corten and Ruth Marshall-Fratani (eds.), Between Babel and Pentecost: Transnational Pentecostalism in Africa and Latin America. London: Hurst, pp. 41-61.
2001f    Paradise Lost: The Domestication of Religious Imagination. In: Don Handelman and Galina Lindquist (eds.), Playful Power and Ludic Spaces: Studies in Games of Life, Special Issue of Focaal, European Journal of Anthropology, nr. 37, pp. 105-119.
2001g    Feasts: A View from Cultural Anthropology. In: P.Post, G. Rouwenhorst, L. Van Tongeren and A. Scheer (eds.), Christian Feast and Festival: The Dynamics ofWestern Liturgy and Culture. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 79-96.
2001h    Cultuur als repertoire: Schema’s maken en breken. In: Edien Bartels, Anton van Harskamp en Harry Wels (red.), Cultuur maken, cultuur breken. Essays voor Hans Tennekes over mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden van invloed op cultuurverandering. Delft: Eburon, pp. 129-142.
2001i    Syncretism. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. London: Elsevier, pp. 15386-15388.
2002a    Review of: H. Russell Bernard (ed.), Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. Walnut Creek CA: AltaMira Press. In: Anthropological Theory, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 253-254.
2002b    Religious Reconciliation: A View from the Social Sciences. In: Jerald D. Gort et al. (eds.), Religion, Conflict and Reconciliation: Multifaith Ideals and Realities. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, pp. 11-23.
2002c    Why Do Religious Groups Become Involved in Conflicts? In: Jerald D. Gort et al. (eds.), Religion, Conflict and Reconciliation: Multifaith Ideals and Realities. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, pp. 367-371.
2003a   (with Sidney M. Greenfield) Syncretic Processes and the Definition of New Religions. Journal of Contemporary Religion, vol 18, no. 1, pp. 25-36.
2003b    Over cultuur, culturen en schemarepertoires. Zandschrift (Contactblad voor het Justitiepastoraat), jg.8, no. 1, pp. 5-14.
2003c    Changing Culture and the Missiological Mission. In: Inus Daneel, Charles Van Engen and Hendrik Vroom (eds.), Fullness of Life for All: Challenges for Mission in Early 21st Century. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, pp. 59-71.
2003d    The power dimensions of the Christian community: an anthropological model. Religion: a journal of religion and religions, vol. 33, no 3, pp. 263-280.
2004a    Review of Stephen P. Reyna, Connections: Brain, Mind and Culture in a Social Anthropology, London, New York: Routledge, 2002. In: Anthropological Theory, vol 4, no. 2, pp. 260-261.
2004b    (with Hans Siebers et al.) Identity formation: Issues, challenges and tools. In: Don Kalb, Wil Pansters and Hans Siebers (eds.), Globalization and Development: Themes and Concepts in Current Research. Dordrecht, Boston and London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 75-102. ISBN 1-4020-2474-6 (hb) / 1-4020-2475-4 (e-book).
2004c    Enjoying an Emerging Alternative World: Ritual in Its Own Ludic Right. Social Analysis, vol. 48, issue 2, pp. 138-154.
2004d    Syncretism, Power, Play. In: Anita Maria Leopold and Jeppe Sinding Jensen (eds.), Syncretism in Religion, A Reader. London: Equinox, pp. 217-236. (Reprint of 1995c)
2004e    Pentecostalism. In: Guillermo Hansen (ed.), El silbo ecuménico del Espíritu: Homenaje a José Míguez Bonino en sus 80 años. Buenos Aires: Instituto Universitario ISEDET, pp. 21-32. ISBN 987-43-8619-3.
2005a    Enjoying an Emerging Alternative World: Ritual in Its Own Ludic Right. In: Don Handelman and Galina Lindquist (eds.), Ritual in Its Own Right: Exploring the Dynamics of Transformation. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 138-154. (=2004c).
2005b    Syncretism and Fundamentalism: A Comparison. Social Compass, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 463-471.
2005c    Knowledge of Religion and Religious Knowledge: The Cultural Anthropology of Religion and a Religious Anthropology. In: John H. Kok (ed.), Ways of Knowing in Concert. Sioux Center, Iowa: Dordt College Press, pp. 203-226.
2005d    ‘The Individualization of Religious Experience’. In: Julio de Santa Ana (ed.), Religions Today: Their Challenge to the Ecumenical Movement. Geneva: WCC Publications, pp. 233-247. ISBN 2-8524-1459-X.
2005e    ‘Syncretism’. In: Julio de Santa Ana (ed.), Religions Today: Their Challenge to the Ecumenical Movement. Geneva: WCC Publications, pp. 248-257.
2005f    ‘Pentecostalism’. In: Julio de Santa Ana (ed.), Religions Today: Their Challenge to the Ecumenical Movement. Geneva: WCC Publications, pp. 258-270.
2006a    Review of Paul Heelas and Linda Woodhead (with Benjamin Steel, Bronislaw Szerszynski and Karin Tusting), The Spiritual Revolution: Why Religion is Giving Way to Spirituality. Malden etc.: Blackwell, 2005. Journal of Contemporary Religion, vol 21, no. 3, January 2006, pp. 116-118.
2006b    (with Cornelis van der Laan and Wout van Laar (eds.)), Fruitful in this Land: Pluralism, Dialogue and Healing in Migrant Pentecostalism. Zoetermeer and Geneva: Boekencentrum and WCC.
2006c    A Prospective Epilogue – The Power of the Spirit and the Spirit of Power.  In: André Drooger, Cornelis van der Laan and Wout van laar (eds.), Fruitful in this Land: Pluralism, Dialogue and Healing in Migrant Pentecostalism. Zoetermeer and Geneva: Boekencentrum and WCC, pp. 159-171.
2006d    Met homo ludens op zoek naar de uitweg. In: Sander Griffioen (ed.), Een weg gaan, Overwegingen commentaren uit West en Oost. Budel: DAMON, pp. 39-47.
2006e    Het gedwongen huwelijk tussen Vrouwe Religie en Heer Macht. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit. Afscheidscollege.
2006f    (Anton van Harskamp et al. eds.), Playful Religion: Challenges for the Study of Religion. Essays by André Droogers and Peter B. Clarke, Grace Davie, Sidney M. Greenfield, Peter Versteeg. Delft: Eburon.
2006g    The Normalization of Religious Experience: Healing, Prophecy, Dreams and Visions. In: Anton van Harskamp et al. (eds.), Playful Religion: Challenges for the Study of Religion. Essays by André Droogers and Peter B. Clarke, Grace Davie, Sidney M. Greenfield, Peter Versteeg. Delft: Eburon, pp. 9-26. (Reprint of: The Normalization of Religious Experience: Healing, Prophecy, Dreams, and Visions. In: Karla Poewe (ed.), Charismatic Christianity as a Global Culture. Colombia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press, 1994, pp. 33-49.)
2006h    Identity, Religious Pluralism and Ritual in Brazil: Umbanda and Pentecostalism. In: Anton van Harskamp et al. (eds.), Playful Religion: Challenges for the Study of Religion. Essays by André Droogers and Peter B. Clarke, Grace Davie, Sidney M. Greenfield, Peter Versteeg. Delft: Eburon, pp. 27-45. (Reprint of: Identity, Religious Pluralism and Ritual in Brazil: Umbanda and Pentecostalism. In: Jan Platvoet and Karel van der Toorn (eds.), Pluralism and Identity: Studies in Ritual Behaviour. Leiden, New York, Köln: E.J. Brill, 1995, pp. 91-113.)
2006i    Paradoxical Views on a Paradoxical Religion: Models for the Explanation of Pentecostal Expansion in Brazil and Chile. In: Anton van Harskamp et al. (eds.), Playful Religion: Challenges for the Study of Religion. Essays by André Droogers and Peter B. Clarke, Grace Davie, Sidney M. Greenfield, Peter Versteeg. Delft: Eburon, pp. 47-73. (Reprint of: Paradoxical Views on a Paradoxical Religion: Models for the Explanation of Pentecostal Expansion in Brazil and Chile. In: H.B. Boudewijnse, A.F. Droogers and F.H. Kamsteeg (eds.), More than Opium: An Anthropological Approach to Latin American and Caribbean Pentecostal Praxis. Lanham: Scarecrow, 1998, pp. 1-34.)
2006j    The Third Bank of the River: Play, Methodological Ludism and the Definition of Religion. In: Anton van Harskamp et al. (eds.), Playful Religion: Challenges for the Study of Religion. Essays by André Droogers and Peter B. Clarke, Grace Davie, Sidney M. Greenfield, Peter Versteeg. Delft: Eburon, pp. 75-96. (Reprint of: The Third Bank of the River: Play, Methodological Ludism and the Definition of Religion. In: J.G.Platvoet and A.L. Molendijk (eds.), The Pragmatics of Defining Religion: Contexts, Concepts and Contents. Leiden: Brill, 1999, pp. 285-313.)
2006k    (Anton van Harskamp et al. (eds.)), Afterwords. An Interview with André Droogers on Play and Religion. In: Anton van Harskamp et al. (eds.), Playful Religion: Challenges for the Study of Religion. Essays by André Droogers and Peter B. Clarke, Grace Davie, Sidney M. Greenfield, Peter Versteeg. Delft: Eburon, pp.151-161.
2007a    (with Peter Versteeg) ‘A Typology of Domestication in Exorcism’. Culture and Religion, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 15-32.2007b  Beyond Secularisation versus Sacralisation: Lessons from a Study of the Dutch Case.In: Kieran Flanagan and Peter C. Jupp (eds.), A Sociology of Spirituality. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 81-99.2007c  ‘Zappers en zieners: een introductie’. In de Marge, jg. 16, no. 3, pp. 1-3.
2007b    ‘The Background and Nature of the Deep Changes in the Religious Realities in Modern Europe’. Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, vol. 17, no. 2, pp.  171-184.
2007c    (with Peter Versteeg) ‘A Schema Repertoire Approach to Exorcism: Two Case Studies of Spiritual Warfare’. In: Nelly van Doorn-Harder and Lourens Minnema (eds.), Coping with Evil in Religion and Culture: Case Studies. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, pp. 105-124.
2007d   (com Marjo de Theije e Peter Versteeg) ‘O Estudo da Religião no Departamento de Antropologa Social e Cultural da Vrije Universiteit em Amsterdam’. Debates do NER, Ano 8, n. 11, p. 83-100.
2008a    ‘Secularisatie: Een vloek voor de kerk, een zegen voor religieuze flexibiliteit’. In: Chris Doude van Troostwijk et al. (eds.), Buigzame gelovigen: Essays over religieuze flexibiliteit. Amsterdam: Boom, pp. 120-129.
2008b    ‘As Close as a Scholar Can Get: Exploring a One-Field Approach to the Study of Religion’. In: Hent de Vries (ed.), Religion: Beyond a Concept. New York: Fordham University Press, pp. 448-463, 908-910.
2008c  ‘Syncretists, Fudamentalists and Scholars Compared’. In: Afe Adogame et al. (eds.), Unpacking the New: Critical Perspectives on Cultural Syncretization in Africa and Beyond. Wien, Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2008, pp. 47-69.
2008d  ‘Religião, Identidade e Segurança entre Imigrantes Luteranos da Pomerânia, no Espírito Santo (1880-2005)’. Religião e Sociedade, vol. 28, no. 1, pp.13-41.
2009 ‘Christianity in Western Europe, 1910-2010’. In: Johnson, Todd M., and Ross, Kenneth R. (Eds.), Atlas of Global Christianity 1910-2010, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 170-171.
2010a ‘Religion, Identity and Security Among Pomeranian Lutheran Migrants in Espírito Santo, Brazil (1880 – 2005): A Schema Repertoire Approach’. In: Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Ellen Bal and Oscar Salemink (eds.), A World of Insecurity: Anthropological perspectives on human security. London and New York: Pluto Press, 2010, pp. 148-178.
2010b ‘The Background and Nature of Deep Changes in the Religious Realities in Modern Europe’. In: Jerald Gort, Henry Jansen and Wessel Stoker (eds.), Crossroad Discourses between Christianity and Culture. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, pp. 19-36. Reprint of 2007d.
2010c ‘Van religie naar spiritualiteit?’ TussenRuimte, Tijdschrift voor Interculturele Theologie, jg. 3. no. 2, pp. 44-49.
2010d Zingeving als spel: Over religie, macht en speelse spiritualiteit; Een gids voor vrije zinzoekers. Almere: Parthenon. (‘Meaning-Making as Play: On Religion, Power and Playful Spirituality; A Guide for Free Meaning-Seekers’).
2010e  ‘The Recovery of Perverted Religion: Internal Power Processes and the Vicissitudes of Religious Experience’. In:  Ter Borg, Meerten, Van Henten, Jan Willem, (Eds.), Powers: Religion as a Social and Spiritual Force. Fordham University Press, New York, 2010, 23-38, 294-5.
2010f Studying Global Pentecostalism: Theories and Methods,
with Allan Anderson, Michael Bergunder and Cornelis van der Laan (Eds.), Berkeley: University of California Press, 41-71.
2010g ‘Essentialist and Normative Approaches’. In: Studying Global Pentecostalism: Theories and Methods. Allan Anderson, Michael Bergunder, André Droogers, and Cornelis van der Laan (Eds.), Berkeley: University of California Press, 41-71.
2010h Towards the concerned study of religion: Exploring the double power-play disparity. Religion, a journal of religion and religions, 40,4, 227-238.
2010i (with Kim Knibbe and Regien Smit) Guest editorial: Mobility, time and space in Pentecostalism. PentecoStudies, 9(2), 145-152.
2011a Religie als spel en zingeving. Religie & samenleving, 6(1), 9-23.
2011b Waarheidsclaims en religiedefinities: Een speels gedachte-experiment. Narthex, Tijdschrift voor levensbeschouwing en educatie, jg. 11, nr. 3, 7-13.
2011c Het mensdier is voorbestemd tot alle kwaad: Een kleine cultuurgeschiedenis. In: Het kwaad: Reflecties op de zwarte zijde van ons bestaan, Bert Musschenga en Bettine Siertsema (red.), Vught: Skandalon, 2011, pp. 79-92.
2011d (with Kim Knibbe) Methodological Ludism and the Academic Study of Religion. Method and Theory in the Study of Religion, 23, 283-303.
2011e Macht, zingeving en de speelse theologie van ‘Kerk & Ambt’. Tijdschrift voor Theologie, 51, 4, 391-411.
2012a Play and Power in Religion: Collected Essays. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012 (Religion and Reason: vol. 50).
2012b  Losbandige religies. In: Edith Brugmans (red.), Instituties in beweging. Nijmegen: Valkhof Pers, pp. 65-78.
2012c  Liturgie als spel van verbeelding en ontbeelding. Streven, jg. 71, no. 11, pp. 975-987.
2013 Het speelse onderzoek. Sociologie Magazine, jg 21, no. 3, pp. 28-29.

2014a God 3.0: Voorbij godsdienst en atheïsme; Hoe ziet God er uit in de 21ste eeuw? Almere: Parthenon.

2014b with Anton van Harskamp, eds., Methods for the Study of Religious Change: From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies. Sheffield etc.: Equinox.

2014c  with Anton van Harskamp, Introduction. In: André Droogers and Anton van Harskamp (eds.), Methods for the Study of Religious Change: From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies. Sheffield etc.: Equinox, pp. 1-9.

2014d  Introduction to Part I. In: André Droogers and Anton van Harskamp (eds.), Methods for the Study of Religious Change: From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies. Sheffield etc.: Equinox, pp. 13-15.

2014e  The World of Worldviews. In: André Droogers and Anton van Harskamp (eds.), Methods for the Study of Religious Change: From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies. Sheffield etc.: Equinox, pp. 17-42.

2014f  Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches Compared. In: André Droogers and Anton van Harskamp (eds.), Methods for the Study of Religious Change: From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies. Sheffield etc.: Equinox, pp. 43-60.

2014g  Playing with Perspectives. In: André Droogers and Anton van Harskamp (eds.), Methods for the Study of Religious Change: From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies. Sheffield etc.: Equinox, pp. 61-79.

2014h  Introduction to Part III. In: André Droogers and Anton van Harskamp (eds.), Methods for the Study of Religious Change: From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies. Sheffield etc.: Equinox, pp. 161-163.

2014i   The Future of New Worldview Studies. In: André Droogers and Anton van Harskamp (eds.), Methods for the Study of Religious Change: From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies. Sheffield etc.: Equinox, pp. 165-179.

2014j   The Cultural Dimension of Pentecostalism. In: Cecil M. Robeck and Amos Yong (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Pentecostalism. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 195-214.

2014k  Religion at Play: A Manifesto. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock Cascade Books.

2015a Intercultural Bible reading as playful and powerful meaning-making. In: Hans Snoek (ed.), In love with the Bible and its ordinary readers: Hans de Wit and the intercultural Bible reading project. Elkhart, Indiana: Institute of Mennonite Studies, pp. 169-177.

2015b De pelgrimage als leven in de marge. Jakobsstaf 108, december 2015, pp. 56-59.

2016a 100 druppels: Columns over religie, macht en spel. E-book, download via .

2016b Boodschap aan elkaar: Gids voor een zingevingsgesprek tussen generaties. Vught: Skandalon.

2016c De ironische waarheid van het levensbeschouwelijke spel. In: Manuela Kalsky en André van der Braak (red.), Tussen waarheid en wijsheid: De waarheidsvraag in het licht van religieuze diversiteit. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press AUP, pp. 201-217.

2017 Kieswijzer levensbeschouwing. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press AUP.

2018 Speltherapie voor verward Nederland: Omgaan met nationaliteit en diversiteit. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press AUP.